Donna Miller

July 8, 2015

My 25 tips for success

I’ve just celebrated my 25-year anniversary with Enterprise. To mark the occasion, I thought I’d share 25 of the most important lessons I’ve learnt along the way.
December 10, 2012

How to use your personality to further your career

In my last post, I talked about some of the behaviours we look for in our future leaders and shared more insights from our recent Leadership Forum. In this post I wanted to take that thought further and explore the idea of personal brands. That is, what you represent and how you put yourself out there in a way that supports your path to leadership.
November 26, 2012

How to teach yourself leadership

In our last post we talked a little about diversity and developing future leaders. We also gave you a taste of some of the platforms we’ve created and initiatives we have in place to highlight, develop and recognise our own future leaders in Enterprise. One of our most successful, and enjoyable initiatives is the Leadership Forum – a two-day residential conference for 50 of our top female and BAME middle management team members to focus exclusively on developing their leadership behaviours and personal skills to take control of their career progression.
November 9, 2012

Could you be the next Prime Minister? Tips for successful leadership

Not everyone wants to run a company, or be a senior leader. But those who do need to think about their career, achievements and the way they present themselves in a particular way to get there. At Enterprise, we place a lot of emphasis on developing people because we only promote from within our business. So our management trainees will one day be the leaders of our company.