October 14, 2015

The value of volunteering at university

Thinking about volunteering while you’re away at university? Here are five reasons why you definitely should.
October 12, 2015

How to apply for international student exchange programmes

Student exchange programmes are a fantastic way to find out about life in another country and gain some serious life experience. Here are just a few of the things you'll get out of it.
October 9, 2015

5 cards every student should have

Looking for ways to save money at university? Here are five discount cards every student should have.
October 7, 2015

How to answer the ‘Leadership’ question in an interview

If you're interviewing for a leadership role we've got some great advice to help you make a good impression.
October 5, 2015

Six tips for re-evaluating your career path

Everyone wants a lasting and fulfilling career, but how can you make sure you've found the right one? Start by consulting our handy six-step guide.
October 2, 2015

Five things to find out before your job interview

If you're preparing for a big interview, you'll find our five point checklist an invaluable aid.
October 1, 2015

Surviving your final year at university

Many people look forward to their final year at university with underlying concerns. But actually it has the potentially to be the best of the lot. Here are five tips to help you get the most out the experience.
September 29, 2015

5 traits of a successful jobseeker

The job search can be a lengthy process, but being motivated and persistent is key. Here are five traits you need to have a successful job hunt.
September 25, 2015

5 Traits of a successful leader

To be a successful leader, there are a number of traits which you should possess. Here we’ve pulled together five to help you lead a team successfully.
September 24, 2015

I realised my dream of running a business at Enterprise

Being a manager doesn’t have to be a dream, Alan Duddy wanted to run his own business and with Enterprise he was able to.
September 23, 2015

How to handle a group project

University group projects can be a daunting, frustrating time, and everyone has plenty of horror stories about disagreements and missed deadlines. So, how do you work together to create a really productive project? Here are our tips.
September 18, 2015

What’s the worst thing that could happen in an interview?

Have your say! Our new poll series looks at your opinions on various topics. Vote now on the worst thing(s) that can happen during a job interview.
September 17, 2015

How to make your voice heard on campus

Do you want to get involved in student politics? We share 5 ways into student democracy and how to get involved at university. Make your voice heard for the causes you feel strongly about on campus.