March 30, 2015

Turnitin, 24-hour loan and 12 other things you’ll discover at uni

University is a time in your life when you’ll learn so much more than the stuff your lecturer teaches you. Here are the things you’re likely to discover during university.
March 25, 2015

Tips for answering the teamwork interview question

Making sure that you’re prepared with a convincing answer when asked about working in a team is a sure way to get noticed during a job interview and be remembered during the selection process.
March 25, 2015

Stand-out skills for life: My Enterprise story

I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do after graduating from university, but an internship with Enterprise gave me invaluable skills and the confidence to explore different career options.
March 19, 2015

Three year career plan for university students

Getting a graduate job isn't as simple as sending off an application form in your final term of university, and the sooner you get started the better. In fact career services recommend that you carry out the first steps in your first year. Here’s our guide to what you need to do.
March 18, 2015

5 things you want employers to find when they Google your name

If you want to impress a potential employer when they Google your name, you shouldn't only avoid compromising pictures, you should try and emphasise your suitability for the job too. Here are five positive things they will be looking for.
March 17, 2015

Why the Enterprise Rent-a-Car Management Training Programme stood out among the rest

I wanted to learn how to run a business and that’s exactly what my Enterprise Internship taught me. No other business will give you this level of respect and responsibility within your first few months and that’s why I love it here.
March 12, 2015

A Student’s Guide to sell-by dates and making your food last longer

Mouldy cheese, squidgy vegetables and strange smelling chicken are all back of the fridge staples. But do you know what you can eat and what you need to bin? Learn how to tell if eggs are off and much more in this handy guide.
March 11, 2015

The 3 main stages of the job search process

Sometimes a clear method is needed. This definitely relates to job hunting, where multiple applications and trying to keep on top of deadlines can be a challenge. Here’s a simple three stage guide to methodically working your way through the process.
March 10, 2015

The best way to spend your summer as a student

Spending my summer doing an internship with Enterprise was a life-changing experience. Travelling halfway across the world gave me an insight into how a global company works and what type of people succeed in it.
March 8, 2015

One of the best places to launch your career, no matter your gender

At Enterprise we want to develop a work culture that promotes the value of our female employees. This month we've been featured in Where Women Work Magazine, the company behind the UK's TOP 50 list, talking about what it’s like to work at Enterprise.
March 6, 2015

We don’t need a day to celebrate the achievement of women at Enterprise

Enterprise has always supported International Women’s Day. In 2013 we held a free mini conference titled ‘Women in Leadership’. And this year we’re highlighting women in the business who continue to inspire their peers.
March 4, 2015

What to consider when choosing a gap year

The year after graduation is an important one, and whilst some students will already have graduate jobs lined up, others will still be considering their options. If you’re thinking about a gap year these points may convince you.
March 3, 2015

Composing my future with a career at Enterprise

Lewis Blackwell discovered that his music degree could get him a career in management at Enterprise. As one of the best graduate employers in the UK we welcome students from all types of disciplines. Not just business.