November 13, 2015

What to do if you haven’t got internship experience

There is no doubt that internships and similar work experience programmes have become an increasingly important part of the graduate recruitment process. But if you’re one of the many people who hasn’t yet done an internship, there’s no need to go into full panic mode just yet.
November 11, 2015

Dyslexia: Inclusion and support makes the difference

Dyslexia is no barrier to getting on with Enterprise, as HR Manager, Debs Bristow explains.
November 9, 2015

How to run a successful student election campaign

Some of the biggest names in UK politics began their careers at university. If you’re looking to follow in their footsteps, or simply want to challenge yourself, learn new skills and have a bit of fun, here’s our guide to getting elected on campus.
November 6, 2015

It’s the Enactus training weekend!

One of the great things about the Enactus weekend is that it’s a chance for students to learn valuable employability skills. They should be thinking, “What do I have, what can I bring, how can I use what I’ve learned?” all to land a graduate career, an internship or a placement. It’s their chance to interact with Enterprise too!
November 4, 2015

What will your first step into the workplace be like?

For most, the next step after university is likely to be into the world of work. This could take the form of a full-time job, an internship or work placement. Here we take a look of what to expect.
November 2, 2015

A career filled with highs: Andy Bland reflects on a whirlwind ten years

Andy Bland’s 10-year career at Enterprise started in a whirlwind and hasn’t slowed down since.
October 30, 2015

How to cope with setbacks in your job search

There’s nothing worse than losing out on your dream job. But it needn’t be the end of the world. Here are six tips to help you bounce back stronger after rejection.
October 28, 2015

How to avoid plagiarism

Plagiarism is considered an extremely serious offence in academic circles. And it is easier to commit than you might expect. Here are some simple steps you can take to avoid it.
October 26, 2015

Why you should attend an employer skills session

In today’s ultra-competitive job market, employer-led skill sessions may just be the university student’s secret weapon.
October 23, 2015

Where can you find employers on campus?

Connecting with prospective employers on campus is a great way to kickstart your career. Here’s how it works.
October 21, 2015
Young man standing in front of an audience

Why not become a Campus Brand Manager?

Becoming a Campus Brand Manager for Enterprise delivers plenty of advantages for the right student. Here are the three main ones.
October 19, 2015

What makes a good student mentor?

Mentoring a first-year student can be a great way to “give something back” while also boosting your own communication and relationship-building skills. Here’s our guide to being the best student mentor you can be.
October 16, 2015

How to cope with pressures in the workplace

If you're feeling stressed at work, it could affect your performance. Here's our handy guide to recognising what causes of stress and how to start getting rid of it.