June 2, 2015

Enterprise pushed me out of my comfort zone and up to the top

I’m proof that hard work and determination equals success at Enterprise. With 10 promotions in 14 years, I've climbed the ladder straight from the bottom and soared to the top.
May 27, 2015

7 tips for making your morning commute run smoothly

Every morning, millions of us make the trek from home to the office, and it can be a pretty stressful time. Here are our seven top tips on how to make your commute a more relaxed experience.
May 26, 2015

How to survive university after a year abroad

Returning back to university after spending time abroad can be a difficult time, but it doesn’t have to be the end of your cultural experience. Check out these tips on how to adjust back to normal after a year abroad.
May 20, 2015

How to pick your dissertation topic

Your dissertation is one of the most challenging aspects of your university career, and picking the right topic can feel like the most stressful thing you’ll ever do. If you pick the right subject though, it’ll pay off. Here’s how to do that
May 19, 2015

How learning a language can boost your career prospects

Learning a new language can help you do more than just find out where the swimming pool is. It can also make you a much more employable graduate. Find out how here
May 14, 2015

Special moments every student remembers from university

Your time at university will fly by, but there are certain memories that everyone takes with them. In this blog, we look at the five biggest moments you’ll remember from your university career:
May 13, 2015

How to prepare to move away for your first job

Your first real job can come with a lot of challenges, but moving to a new city doesn’t have to be one of them. In this blog, we talk about the things you’ll need to consider when you up sticks, so that you can make the best of your move.
May 12, 2015

My Enterprise knowledge led to a meeting with Prince Charles

Regan Moore was lucky enough to meet Prince Charles and travel to Mumbai after entering a global business challenge. Throughout the competition he discovered that the knowledge he learnt from Enterprise would come in handy.
May 7, 2015

How to make the most of your summer holidays

The summer months are a long time to spend away from university, but there are plenty of ways you could improve your CV and your community in the process. Here we’ve come up with some of the best ways for you to make the most of yours.
May 6, 2015

What to wear to an interview

Knowing what to wear to a job interview is a problem we’ve all had to deal with. Certain types of clothing come in and out of fashion, but style remains. Make the right choice by reading these tips on what to wear for an interview.
May 5, 2015

What Enterprise Rent A Car Means to Me

Hannah discovered how hard work could lead to quick career progression, personal development and achievement when she applied for a Management Trainee Programme while at university. And after two years with us and two promotions, she’s already looking forward to her next one.
April 30, 2015

6 things you should pack for your first day at work

Packing your bag for your first day at a new job can be difficult. You want to be prepared, but taking in a suitcase is not an option. Read these tips on what to pack for your first day at work.
April 29, 2015

Things you’ll only understand if you’re an international student

Studying abroad makes your university experience different from that of a home student. We’ve listed eight things that only international students will understand.